Love Concert Prague




We are sooo happy to invite you to the second István Sky´s concert in Prague, Czech Republic! This time in blooming May and on the day of the full moon, again in a very welcoming place of the St. Martin in the Wall Church. We are gratefull that dear guest – amazing Czech voice improviser Patrik Kee – has also promised to participate. So we can all look forward to an unrepeatable experience that will take us to the unsuspected heights and depths of our being.

István Sky feat. Patrik Kee
Day: 23.5.2024 Hour: 7:00 pm
Place: St. Martin in the Wall Church
Martinská 8, Prague 1, Czech Republic (map🙂

till 20th March 2024: 600 Kč / 25 EUR
from 21st March to 22nd May 2024: 777 Kč / 33 EUR
23th May in the church: 900 Kč / 40 EUR

(by filling a simple Google form, you will find there all the payment instructions)

1. send the amount (numbers of your tickets x the price (in CZK or EUR))
2. to the one of the organizer´s account:
the Czech account number: 1539005053/0800
or the Revolut account: LT623250026008086802, SWIFT: REVOLT21
3. Fill the Note for a payee: LOVE CONCERT and YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS (for sending the tickets)
I’ll send the tickets to your e-mail till 2 days from getting the payment.

If you have any questions, contact me:, +420 602 579 486.

More information and the Organizer´s Instruction – here.

We are looking so much to seeing you!
István, Patrik Kee & Alena








About István
István Sky is an all-rounded tallented musician. His healing voice sounded in many countries in all the continents.  His songs have milions of views.

Isván´s creations is very colourful. It connects the roots of many cultures (his own native Hungarian and Transylvanian with Tibetan, Indian, Sufi´s, South American…). His voice has an extraordinary range – including all the gentle angelic, dynamic shamanic or the deep throught singing. He sings the traditional mantrashis own songs, he´s chanelling his music directly from the Source. He plays a lots of instruments – the guittare, citerra, Indian tampurasarod, Tibetan and other bowls, shamanic drums, dorog, many kinds of flutes etc. For many years he´s living in the harmony with the nature and the Spirit and he gives forward this quality through his music and teaching.

I love to use István´s music for my massages, to bring my clients to the state of deep harmonisation, healing and remembering the love and the Source we have came from. I wished very much to hear it one day in a live concert – so I am providing this magnificient experience to the other ones.

Previous events:
6.10.2023 – Angelic Voice Healing

Istvan Sky Prague


Angelic Voice Greating – letter and a gift from István to all who came

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